Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Email letter - 16 April 2008

Mom and dad,

Things here are going okay. I'm doing well and we are still working hard. We are going to be making a baptismal date with that large family that I told you about and hopefully on the 10th of May they will be members of the church. That’s really the only good news that I have for you.

We had our zone conference last Thursday and I know that I’m going to miss President and Sister Shakespear so much. They are amazing people with such great testimonies but I’m looking forward to one more conference with them. I had to stand up and bear my testimony because I’m new and that was fun. Ha-ha.

My comp thinks that I speak so well that he tells everyone how good I am and the people think that I’m fluent or something and just go off on me. Ha-ha. It’s fun though because I’m learning a lot from my comp and from all of the people. I think by the end of my next transfer ill understand just about everything and then try to pick up and be able to talk the way that I want to. It’s been good having a native companion and I’m grateful for it but I love to do divisions so that I get English sometimes too.

Overall things are going well. Sometimes my comp and I have little tiffs but that happens to everyone I think. We are working well together I think. I have my first transfer in two weeks but I think I’ll be staying put and with the same comp for this one as well but maybe the next one I'll leave. We have transfers every six weeks. I hear stories about other mission houses and I’m afraid to move but we´ll see how it goes.

We have been spending a lot of time in Saenz Pena with our district and zone leaders. We are here again today for p-day and I worked here last night on divisions with our district leader. It seems like we come here once a week which is like five hours of travel both ways. To be honest I don’t mind it at all because like I said I get to speak English when I'm here.

I just want to tell you how much I love you mom and dad and how much I appreciate all that you have done and continue to do for me. I’m so grateful for such great parents that love and support me in all that I do. I’m grateful for your example to me and how well you raised me and prepared me for my work now and for my life in general. I love you so very much and I miss you as well. Thank you for your prayers. Send my love to everyone and let them know that I’m grateful for their prayers as well. I love you.


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