Hey Family,
So it was good talking to you on Christmas but it’s just never enough time. Nothing really has happened in the last week since I talked with you but we are just so stressed out with all the work in the branch and with the huge area and with our other area that’s an hour and a half away so we are trying to keep things going while trying not to die.
My comp is not organized at all and is giving me a headache with how slow he moves and just how he does things. I’m trying to get him to speed it up and its draining me down. We will see how it all works out. We only had 25 in church on Sunday which is really quite sad because we now have the two branches together which was supposed to help us have more people and it hasn’t been going to plan.
We just have so much work to do to keep on top of things but I have started getting things in order and we are only in the church one afternoon a week instead of the 5 days a week they were in there before I became his comp. We are still working with all of our inactive families as well as trying to meet mission expectations of finding new people. We did have a good lesson the other day with a guy that is married to a member. We put a baptismal date with him for the 17th of January and I really think that he will be ready by then. He has come to church lots and really has a testimony but they have lots of older kids that are doing everything they can to keep him from making the decision. I promised him that if he keeps reading with his wife and keeps praying that his family will soften their hearts and that they will support him. I have faith that he will do exactly that and that he will make it to this date for his baptism.
We are excited to find new people every day and we are trying to keep the work progressing. I love you guys and I hope that this year passes just as fast as the last ;) take care.
15 years ago