Hey Fam,
It’s been a good week. On Sunday we had President here visiting for a capacitation (training) for all of the branch presidencies. We also had our interviews with him that night. With all of the stuff going on and all of the interviews he had I had lots of time to talk with Hna Del Castillo and their granddaughters that are here visiting from Buenos Aires. They were really funny.
We asked the Hna if she could drive us somewhere and she responded “Elder King I don’t know how to drive and when I tried to do it in Resistencia I got in an accident so President said that I can’t drive anymore.” We all thought that it was pretty funny. We tried to tell her that it’s a lot more calm on the streets here and that we would help her but she just wasn’t going for it. She’s a nice lady.
Last week we had two of our investigators tell us that they had gotten answers! It was a little weird but as they explained what had happened and how they got it the Spirit filled the room. It was an awesome experience. We explained to them the importance to follow that answer and they agreed to get baptized. That’s just the first step though. They have a long wait to go but we are hoping to have a baptismal date for the end of this month.
Also I will be doing something pretty unusual for the first time this Saturday. We were talking with another one of our investigators whose family just got baptized a few months ago and she was telling us that she knows that the Book of Mormon is true and that Joseph Smith was a prophet but that she wasn’t going to get baptized so I started asking her questions like Are you afraid of water? Would you get baptized if Christ himself told you to or would you tell him no as well? She told me that if Christ told her to get baptized that she would so we opened up to Matthew where it says if you’re not baptized you can’t enter into the kingdom of god and explained that importance of that and then she said that she was afraid of water so we told her that we could have a practice baptism this Saturday to see if she likes it and then we will just baptize her next week. It’s weird that we are going to be practicing a baptism but if that’s what it takes we will do it for sure. It’s this girl’s salvation! I’ll be sure to let you know how that goes next week. Ha-ha.
That’s all really that has been going on. We are all good here and just busy busy busy all the time with the branch and the work. I love you guys. Take care!
15 years ago
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